Sunday, September 8, 2013

Paris Magical Papyrus

"In the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris is an early fourth century papyrus codex (ms. supplement grec 574) which contains a variety of texts, spells, hymns, etc.   It is 36 folios in length – large for a papyrus, and contains 3274 lines. The manuscript was acquired in Egypt by the collector Giovanni Anastasi (# 1073 in his collection) and bought at auction in Paris by the BNF in 1857.  It probably comes from Thebes (=Luxor).  Apparently Anastasi was told that his papyri were found in a grave there, perhaps sometime around 1825,...
The codex seems to be the working handbook for an Egyptian magician, compiled from many sources.  It contains more than 50 documents, doubtless acquired from various sources, and is the single most comprehensive handbook of magic known from the ancient world. 
The best known of these texts is on lines 475- 834, the so-called Mithras liturgy, a series of prayers which begins by invoking Sol Mithras and may — or may not — have some connection to the mysteries of Mithras.
Other parts show Jewish influence, and one spell, an exorcism ending with the words — Come out of NN – on line 3019, contains the words:
I adjure you by the God of the Hebrews, Jesus, Jaba,..." RogerPearse

" ....we have that codex that mixes all kinds of religious and occult mumbo-jumbo to give power to the magician. I do not find surprising the Jewish and Christian stuff mixed in. After all all those psychics advertising their dubious services do the same thing today…" ikokki

You, LORD, have abandoned your people, the descendants of Jacob. They are full of superstitions from the East; they practice divination like the Philistines and embrace pagan customs.
Isaiah 2:6 NIV

Here is  an EXAMPLE:

"Christian Psychic Minister
Bishop Phil and Sister Michelle
Bishop Phil is an ordained Minister. Bishop Phil and Sister Michelle are here to give you help in every area of your life, where you have questions and no answers.
Bishop Phil has studied Charkas Energies, Master in Reiki, Nutrition Counseling and Fitness training. He combines the body, the mind and spirit for the perfect balance in your reading.  Bishop Phil is a clairvoyant who specializes in Personalized Readings, Karma Card Readings, and Tarot Reading." FROM THEIR WEBSITE