Wednesday, September 4, 2013

IN the NEWS - Australian Election & Freedom

"TONY Abbott plans to roll back Labor's laws that limit free speech on the basis of not "giving offence", defend religious freedom and reform the Australian Human Rights Commission.
In an exclusive interview with The Australian, the Opposition Leader said that, if elected, he would work with his attorney-general, George Brandis, to require the commission to champion, instead of restrict, the right of free speech in Australia." TheAustralian

At least Tony Abbott down under is one of the few mates out there in the political theater who is at least in public defending freedom of religion somewhere here on earth!!!! Give the man some credit....BTW, the election is a couple of days away...Tony Abbott is the leader of the Liberal Party (which is actually the conservative party in Australia, the  word "liberal" is used because of classical liberalism, which is the old name for capitalism.) The Liberal (conservative party) works in an automatic coalition with the National Party.

....and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17