Monday, September 2, 2013

IN the NEWS - PRAYING for Abortion?

Let us just say for a nano-second, that you support (for some sick, twisted reason, abortion) would you pray for abortion though? Do you think God hears prayers in favor of abortion?
"Iowa Democrat gubernatorial candidates join abortion activists in prayer for increased abortion access. “We pray for women who’ve been made afraid of their own power by their paternalistic religion.”
They pray for the “blessing of choice.”
From the prayer:
“We give thanks, oh Lord, for the doctors, both current and future, who provide quality abortion care.”
“We pray for increased financial support for low-income women to access contraception, abortion and childcare.”
“Today, we pray for women in developing nations, that they may know the power of self-determination. May they have access to employment, education, birth control and abortion.”
“Today we pray for the families who have chosen. May they know the blessing of choice.”
Watch below these sick, warped people......
And because iniquity shall abound,
the love of many shall wax cold.
Matthew 24:12