Sunday, September 29, 2013

IN the NEWS - Lesson from Scotland

"The Primus of the Scottish Episcopal Church has said that churches need to change if they are to reverse the decline in religious affiliation in Scotland.
Bishop David Chillingworth was responding to the latest figures from the 2011 Census, which revealed that in Scotland, 54% of people identify themselves as Christian, a decrease of 11% since 2001. At the same time, the number identifying themselves as atheist has risen by 9% over the last 10 years to 37% today.
"The figures for religious affiliation in Scotland are a significant challenge for churches. Nominal membership of traditional churches is swiftly changing into 'no religion'," said Bishop Chillingworth.
"The reasons are clear. Traditional patterns of church life have difficulty attracting people in a mobile, fast-changing and increasingly sophisticated society. Congregations are communities of affection which gather in time-hallowed buildings and they find change challenging." ChristianPost

1) Nominal=No Religion...well, yeah.....Nominal means in name only so at least they are being honest now when they answer a poll as to where they really stand as it relates to "church"...

2) As for using the excuse of a "sophisticated society" & a "mobile" society as a reason, let the Scriptures respond to "society" on that - And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.
Luke 21:34