Friday, September 27, 2013

IN the NEWS - Kneeling Cruz

Remember, O LORD, what is come upon us:
consider, and behold our reproach.
Lamentations 5:1

"Here’s a shot of Sen. Ted Cruz praying in front of The White House yesterday. No, he’s not praying that Barack Obama will overturn Obamacare and no, he’s not praying that he will occupy the presidency one day. Instead, he’s alongside Rev. Rob Schenck (from Faith and Action) and Rev. Frazier White (a Democrat and Obama supporter) praying for Saeed Abedini, who has been in an Iranian prison for one year. He is being persecuted for his faith." CBN
At least someone in Washington isn't afraid to kneel before God....Compare Cruz to the Democrats at their convention when on a Monday morning they cried out "Boo" when a motion to put the name of God back in their platform came up for a vote.