Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Creation Moment 9/18/2013 - Tree of Life & ageing

 ...and now, lest he put forth his hand,
 and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:
Genesis 3:22
".......the sirtuin protein Sirt1. Developmental biologist Shin-ichiro Imai of Washington University in St. Louis found that rather than delaying the progression of aging, the protein works in the brain to
delay the onset of aging, thereby extending youth and adding those spritely years onto one’s life span. The researchers developed mice that expressed higher than normal levels of Sirt1 in their brain and observed a significant extension in the animals’ life spans. In particular, the team found that Sirt1 plays a critical role in protecting against age-related declines in skeletal muscle, physical activity, body temperature, oxygen consumption and quality of sleep. Disease onset in mice induced to contract cancer was also delayed.
The finding could help researchers better understand how to extend the life span of other mammals, including humans.
 Chlorophyll (literally, 'leaf green') is also a protein extending youth - with its unique solar-energy molecular structure - and it is also the primary source of omega 3, the supreme 'light oil' for our brain; food for thought!
Let's eat our greens, lettuce.."

"It has been proposed that the biological clock underlying the limited division potential of eukaryotic cells is telomere length. We assayed telomerase activity in single cells of the hematopoietic and immune systems. We examined hematopoietic stem cells at four stages of differentiation, lineage-committed progenitors, and mature myeloid and lymphoid cells. The frequency of telomerase-expressing cells within each population was proportional to the frequency of cells thought to have self-renewal potential." Immunity.com

Imagine what must have been in the fruit of the tree of life which continued to extend the life of its eater. Was it something similar to Sirt1? Or Something which renewed the telomere length of the cell?