Saturday, August 10, 2013

What a Way to Go (sad)

Hauoi Montaug was known in the NY club scene as a doorman for the disco 'Studio 54' He went on to help introduce Madonna to club audiences as he formed his own NYC entertainment events.

H. Montaug & his world he lived in
was one where "friends" would gather
to celebrate a suicide.
A world devoid of God & in
full rejection of Him.
What did they see in the world
around them that would lead
to this type of worldview?
"Suffering from AIDS, in June 1991 Montaug invited 20 guests to celebrate his suicide  (people actually gathered to "celebrate" & watch a suicide?) at his loft apartment in the Bowery neighbourhood in Manhattan. His apartment was located at the corner of the Bowery and East 2nd Street. In addition to the guests present, Madonna was at the party via telephone from Los Angeles. Montaug had previously introduced Madonna at the performance for her music video for "Everybody" in the early 1980s. At the gathering Montaug swallowed five Seconal barbiturate pills, and went into a deep laboured sleep, but kept breathing, to the dismay of the guests. (Dismayed he still was alive? ???...) His guests remained the next morning when he awoke in a fury. (SAD-picture the scene of someone waking up -'alive'- and whipped into a "fury" because they want death...) Montaug finally swallowed 20 more pills and died within half an hour. He was survived by his mother and sister." Wikipedia from NYT

What about suffering in this world that leads people to reject "God"?
"For a while now, at least in the Western world, the existence of any form of pain, suffering, or evil has been regarded as evidence for the non-existence of God. If a good God existed, people reason, these things would not. But they do and, therefore, God does not.
If you argue from the existence of evil to the non-existence of God, you are assuming the existence of an absolute moral law in order for your argument to work. But if there is such a law this would also mean that there is such a God, since God is the only one who could give us such a law.
.....we must also ask the question: What would it take to create a loving world void of evil? A world in which love is capable of meaningful expression and experience would also imply a world in which there is choice. If someone tells you that they love you, those words mean something because they are freely given. If you learned that someone had told you they loved you but that they had been forced to say it, their words would not mean very much. Thus, if we want to speak of a loving world, we must also speak of a world in which choices are exercised. And in such a world, there is also the possibility of choosing a course of action that is not loving, i.e. evil.
Maybe the reason we question God’s moral character when bad things happen is that we live our lives largely independent from God on a daily basis. In other words, we struggle to trust God in times of trouble because we do not really trust God when things are going well. Maybe we struggle with suffering so much in the West because we are so comfortable most of the time that we feel we don’t need God." RZIM

And the LORD said unto Satan,
From whence comest thou?
And Satan answered the LORD,
and said,
From going to and fro in the earth,
and from walking up and down in it.
Job 2:2