Tuesday, August 13, 2013

SDA Issues - When 'Leaders' Go Astray

Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of my pasture! saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:1

Elder Reinder Bruinsma, a leader in the Church in Europe, is of the 'progressive' wing of the Church which attempts to undermine most doctrinal pillars of the denomination.
Once, he claimed that our Church bases it's view of Papal Rome on 19th century thinking.
We base our view of Papal Rome on Daniel 7,8,12 - Matthew 24 - 2 Thessalonians 2 -
1 John 2,4 - 2 John - Revelation 12,13,14,17,18,19

On the issue of homosexuality Bruinsma wrote on his blog "...also read the Bible in a way that leaves room for a non-literal approach that also takes into account that we live today in a world that starkly differs from the world of Bible times?"
Why does he want to read the Bible differently? Is it because there is something in Scripture that doesn't fit his worldview? Yeah,...  I wonder if he is going to reinterpret Scripture also on bestiality, adultery & witchcraft....since God placed those things in the same category as the issue Bruinsma brings up... How do these people get into leadership positions?

"The leaders are responsible not only for their own unsanctified mistakes,
but for the mistakes of those who follow their example.
When reproved for bringing in wrong principles they manifest a perverse spirit,
a spirit that will not be corrected or humbled."
Manuscript Releases vol.18 p.38 E.G.W.