Thursday, August 15, 2013

Indiana Camp Meeting 1877-Prayer by Sign Language

"As we looked upon the people assembled in camp, and then remembered the first camp-meeting we ever attended in Indiana, we could not forbear saying, "What hath the Lord wrought?" It was a very small company that were then gathered together, not numbering more than fifty believers; and the appearance was not at all encouraging for missionary labor in that field. But we were now rejoiced to see over three hundred believers encamped upon the ground; and we have not met at any of our camp-meetings a more intelligent, earnest, and truth-loving people than in Indiana.

A most interesting feature of this meeting was the case of a daughter of Bro. and sister Hill, a mute of sixteen years of age. She united with the supplicating ones, and prayed by signs; it was a most solemn and impressive sight. Fifteen were baptized, among them Dr. and Mrs. Hill, and their mute daughter."
Review & Herald 1877 E.G.W.

For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.
Matthew 18:20

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