Monday, August 19, 2013


MSNBC (known here in America as the 'angry network') host Ed Shultz, recently called Christians "phony" who oppose obamacare. Ed has a few problems with that line of attack though.
First, he is of a political party that cried out "BOO" 3 times at the name of God at the Democrat convention during its opening day in 2012.
Second, MSNBC is known for its attacks on Christianity & the Bible when the topic comes up. So they have NO credibility lecturing Christians as to what to believe or support in order to be good
Third, since when is it Christian to support government programs that hurt people. For instance, if I had to buy healthcare next year, and with premiums skyrocketing as a result of obamacare, I could literally end up homeless. I couldn't afford it.
Fourth, 85% of Americans (before Obama came along) had health coverage. How is it the "Christian" thing to do, to destroy what 85% have in order to help the 15%? Isn't there a better way to help the 15%? If not, then wouldn't that indicate inept politicians in over their heads?
Fifth, How is expanding government dependency Christian?
Sixth, Shultz doesn't believe his own spin. He is just trying to BULLY Christians into supporting obama. obamacare is unpopular here in America (and increasingly so) so Shultz is trying to drum up support for his guy.

I would argue that socialism and Christianity are incompatible. For as Reagan stated in Jan. 1989, "As government expands, liberty contracts". He was right. Socialism is a contraction of liberty. If God gives us free will & liberty, then who is the government of man to infringe on our liberties?
 ....and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.
2 Corinthians 3:17
The view of the party of Ed Shultz on God (watch clip below) angry at God. So who is Ed Shultz to dictate what Christians should believe?