Thursday, August 1, 2013

IN the NEWS - The book "Zealot": Who is Reza Aslan?

Author Reza Aslan,of the book "Zealot", which re-writes Christ, is exposed for who he actually is....,
Watch Clip below...

Book analysis from the Political Right:
"Make no mistake, he is a progressive radical above all else. He wants to change our understanding of history and our relationship to God to create social change. That’s what he’s teaching at Drew University. I mean, at least when he’s a visiting professor occasionally at Drew University, the class has chosen, they know what they’re walking into, to witness the art of protest in literature, film, art, and music.
What he is currently doing, he’s acting it out. His goal is to cause doubt in believers of Jesus and ultimately have them leave their faith like he did so Progressives will have more devoted followers who can do whatever their hearts desire tells them to do – change our history, change our traditions. That’s what this is really all about," TheBlaze

Book analysis from the Political Left:
"Aslan paints a vivid, accessible portrait of Jesus as a Jewish nationalist, “a zealous revolutionary swept up, as all Jews of the era were, in the religious and political turmoil of first-century Palestine.” He knows that, even now, this idea will come to many Christian readers as a shock: The real Jesus, he writes, “bears little resemblance to the image of the gentle shepherd cultivated by the early Christian community.”" NewRepublic

Book analysis from PAUL:
For I know this,
 that after my departing
shall grievous wolves enter in among you,
 not sparing the flock.
Acts 20:29