Friday, August 2, 2013

Farewell meassage of M.L. Andreasen

A farewell message penned by pastor M.L. Andreasen for his own funeral in 1962. Andreasen was a Danish-born American SDA pastor who spent time in his youth with Mrs. White. He later led a charge against the leadership of the late 50's who were weakening the Church's doctrinal positions so as to be accepted by evangelicals.
"So, dear ones, be faithful and true, even to the end.
I shall rest in hope, looking forward to the day of glad reunion.
I love my God.
I shall soon see Him.
I love you that are here today;
I love music; I love flowers; and I appreciate your love.
"Farewell, then, till we meet again.
"M. L. Andreasen"
His lord said unto him, Well done, good and faithful servant;
Matthew 25:23