Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Creation Moment 8/22/2013 - 4 & a half decades of debate

They know the truth about God because he has made it obvious to them.
For ever since the world was created,
people have seen the earth and sky.
Through everything God made,
they can clearly see his invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature.
So they have no excuse for not knowing God.
Romans 1:19,20 NLT
"At that time, creationist arguments against evolution consisted of arguments against so-called ape-men, and arguments that the Cambrian Explosion and lack of transitional forms illustrated that Darwinian evolution did not happen.
Evolutionists argued back with supposed counters to these arguments. For instance, they claimed that Archaeopteryx was a transitional form between reptiles and birds (since refuted), that the “mammal-like reptiles” were transitional forms, and so on. However, in the long run, such “evidences” were just interpreted differently by both sides according to their starting points—creation or evolution!"
"At the same time, evolutionists increasingly refused to debate creationists. In today’s world (early 21st century), such debates are rare.
Nonetheless, the biblical creation movement began publishing more and more books, videos, and other materials; and the “creation versus evolution” issue rose to greater prominence in the culture and secular media. Secularist opposition to the creation movement intensified, with many articles in print."

"Frustrated by how evolutionary teaching had taken over much of the secular education system, and seeing that creation was basically outlawed from the classroom, many Christians tried (unsuccessfully) in the courts to force public school teachers to teach creation in their classes, or at least to allow critiques of evolution.
This era eventually sparked the rise of the non-Christian “intelligent design” movement—which many Christians thought might be the answer to the education problem—but soon found it was not.
Secularists fought hard to falsely accuse creationists of being anti-science."

21st Century
"Some secularists have reverted to name-calling in a desperate attempt to discredit biblical creationists. In the early part of the 21st century, articles against the creation movement became more scathing, sarcastic, and mocking, with increasing name-calling. Rather than attempting to use logical arguments to dissuade people, evolutionists mocked not just the Genesis account of creation but also belief in any unnamed intelligence behind the universe.
Increased name-calling against creationists, in an attempt to defame their integrity, began to appear, not just in newspaper articles but in various evolutionist books and reputable science magazines. Biblical creationists were equated with terrorists, as secular writers used words like fundamentalists to describe both Christians and terrorists. All of this name-calling by unscrupulous secularists is part of a deliberate attempt to smear Christians and use fear tactics to brainwash people into a false understanding of what Christians believe.
This era also saw the rise of the “New Atheists,” who began overtly attacking Christianity and preaching atheism around the world. This radical atheist movement is spearheaded by Dr. Richard Dawkins of Oxford University..." AnswersInGenesis-KenHam