Monday, August 12, 2013

Creation Moment 8/13/2013 - 'May' isn't Science

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
Genesis 1:1
"DNA needs proteins in order to form,
and proteins require DNA to form,
so how could these have formed without each other?"
Bottom Line.....They Couldn't
"The answer may ('MAY' isn't science) "be RNA,
which can store information like DNA,
serve as an enzyme like proteins,
and help create both DNA and proteins."
How would RNA know to do that? 
"Later DNA and proteins succeeded this "RNA world," because they are more efficient. RNA still exists and performs several functions in organisms, including acting as an on-off switch for some genes. The question still remains how RNA got here in the first place." LiveScience 

Here's the answer: 

RNA,DNA & Proteins were CREATED,
functioning-at the same time.....