Saturday, August 10, 2013

Creation Moment 8/11/2013 - Going Ape in Germany

Watch German Ape below
"The whole field of artificial intelligence (AI) is fascinating and has a lot to teach about design in nature. The Research Center for Artificial Intelligence in Germany has released videos of one of its projects. It is a robotic ape that moves like a gorilla by walking on its feet and knuckles. Quite remarkable.
The robotic ape moves with remarkable dexterity and coordination. Close-up shots of the coordinating gears, bending knees, along with pelvic motion, give you an idea of the level of engineering expertise that goes into replicating a gorilla's natural motion. 

Except in the imagination of Darwinian theorists, chance and necessity do not take the place of planning and forethought. Certainly AI researchers operating under Darwinian assumptions would not get very far in designing a robot. When we see biological organisms with integrated, complex features, features that in any other setting would obviously be judged a product of design, it seems reasonable to conclude that they are, in fact, designed." ENV

And God made the beast of the earth after his kind,
Genesis 1:25