Thursday, July 25, 2013

SDA Issues - La Siera Firing

From ADvindicate
"The infamous recording of two top La Sierra University administrators, a part-time biology professor and a member LSU's board of trustees has been transcribed and posted on the Riverside Superior Court's website.
On April 20, 2011, former LSU board member Lenny Darnell inadvertently recorded a conversation
between himself and Jeff Kaatz, Jim Beach and Gary Bradley when he forgot to turn off his phone recorder after secretly recording a meeting at La Sierra University Church. It was a closed meeting between North American Division's President Dan Jackson and Education Director Larry Blackmer
and LSU faculty. Board members had not been invited.
The next day Darnell sent the recording to several people without knowing his compromising conversation with his friends was on the recording. The recording eventually landed in the hands of church leaders.
Two months later, Darnell, Kaatz, Beach and Bradley were forced to resign; however, feeling wrongfully terminated, Kaatz, Beach and Bradley took the case to court.
It was this recording that revealed that LSU was allegedly using WASC as leverage to lessen the church's influence through the board. According to Darnell, WASC emboldened LSU President Randall Wisbey. Darnell also suggested sending a memo to the WASC Commission that would tell them to tell LSU to demand that LSU dismantle its ex-officio structure on the board, or the problem would never go away."


V1 - Jim Beach
V2 - Gary Bradley
V3 - Jeff Kaatz
V4 - Lenny Darnell

Below is the Transcript
My own opinion of the transcript is that:
* There seems to be some sort of conspiracy between some at La Sierra & NAD (North American Division) via WASC, to take more control of the university. The reason seems to be to lessen the GC influence so as to allow La Sierra to teach non-Adventist positions such as evolution, etc.
* These supposed Adventist men on the payroll used some very INAPPROPRIATE language multiple times.
*There seems to be a small sexual innuendo about a female
* They refer to drinking wine
* They are afraid students who come to their offices will tell on them if they say the wrong things
* They want (the youthful looking) Pastor Asscherick "Spanked"
* They seem to personally DISLIKE one of their allies over at spectrum magazine
* They MOCK the 2nd Advent (That should be grounds for termination right there)
* They seem to HATE President Ted Wilson
* Finally, they seem to think of themselves as HEROES for holding their position. They seem to think that the only way to save the youth in the Church is to teach them evolution.
Yeah, their employment should have terminated....

"If workers have no relish for the truth;...then, after sufficient trial, separate them from the work; for their irreligion and unbelief influence others." Testimonies for the Church vol.7, p.202 E.G.W.