Monday, July 29, 2013

SDA Issues- Doug Batchelor on Women Ordination

Doug Batchelor Sermon on why Women Ordination is un-Biblical

Doug Batchelor website on women ordination

Letter from Doug Batchelor to his critics

1) Doug Batchelor is 100% Correct on this subject.
2) Doug Batchelor was criticized by his California Conference leaders.
3) Doug Batchelor simply holds the OFFICIAL CHURCH position. Maybe those in leadership in the California conference who attacked Mr. Batchelor for holding the official Church position should resign or find another Church.

Official SDA position
55th General Conference Session, Indianapolis, IN — July 11, 1990, 9:15 a.m.
Voted: To accept the following report and recommendations of the Role of Women Commission as recommended by the 1989 Annual Council:
      * Further, in view of the widespread lack of support for the ordination of women to the gospel ministry in the world church and in view of the possible risk of disunity, dissension, and diversion from the mission of the church, we do not approve ordination of women to the gospel ministry"
In favor of the recommendation: 1,173
In opposition to the recommendation: 377

Therefore an overseer must be above reproach,
the husband of one wife,
able to teach..
1 Timothy 3:2