Monday, July 22, 2013

SDA Issues - David Larson & his 4 approaches

But he answered and said,
It is written,
Man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.
Matthew 4:4

Around 1996, David Larson, an Adventist professor, attempted to introduce to the Church a new way of approaching theological issues. Rather than relying on Scripture alone, Mr. Larson suggested, that we use 4 things:

* Scripture
* Tradition
* Reason
* Experience

Fortunately, MOST Adventists reject Mr. Larson on his last 3 approaches. MOST SDA's stick with Scripture.
Traditions of man can be wrong.
The reason of man is many times simple minded, weak minded and feeble minded (Richard Dawkins is exhibit "A", Julius Nam would be exhibit "B").
And experience of man can be manipulated by natural chemical reactions, emotions & even directly by the opponent of God.
It is as though the likes of Mr. Larson & the spectrum, AT & Adventist wheel crowd within the Church have forgotten their "first love" and are preaching "another gospel".

They are a disgrace to Adventism. BTW, spectrum, AT & Adventist wheel are NOT official media outlets of the Church. They are the fringes in rebellion (as all Churches seem to currently have within).

P.S. Mr. Larson, who now advocates the un-Biblical position of women ordination, and has edited a book on homosexuality within the Church (a pro-homosexuality book as far as the Church's position is concerned) slid down this path because he left following the Bible alone. This is what happens when you begin to appeal to tradition (human), reason (human) & experience (human). You slide down the path of human views & ways of the world. 
If he stood by the Bible alone--he wouldn't be holding those views. See the point of the problem with redefining how we as a Church decide theological doctrines?

Here is a quote from spectrum about the book below:
"My thanks to the Adventist Forum for partnering with Kinship (a pro-gay group who protests the Church) on the publication of this book. Special thanks, also, to Dave Ferguson, Dr. David Larson of Loma Linda University, Bronwen Larson, Dr. Fritz Guy of La Sierra University, the authors and responders, and proofreaders.
This book is already receiving outstanding notice by thought leaders:" spectrum 2007

Mr. Larson and his cohorts views are
NOT those of the SDA Church