Sunday, July 28, 2013

IN the NEWS - Psychopaths

"Psychologists at the Social Brain Lab in Amsterdam have discovered criminal psychopaths can switch on the ability to empathise with another person at will, which could explain why they can be simultaneously callous but socially devious.
A new brain imaging study shows psychopaths have reduced empathy while witnessing the pains of others but when asked to recognise other peoples' emotions they can activate their empathy.

 Dr Meffert said the human brain is equipped with what scientists call a 'mirror system'.

For example, the motor cortex of the brain normally allows you to move your own body. Your so called somatosensory cortex, when activated, makes you to feel touch on your skin. Your insula, finally, when activated makes you feel emotions like pain or disgust.
Brain scientists have discovered that when people watch other people move their body, or see those people being touched, or have emotions, these same brain regions are activated. In other words, the actions, touch or emotions of others become your own.
It has been suggested that people with psychopathy might somehow suffer from a broken mirror system, resulting in a diminished ability to empathize with their victims."

For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, ..... murders,
Mark 7:21
And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.
Revelation 21:5

"You could easily be working in the company of a psychopath,  because psychopaths tend to gravitate towards and thrive in professions that offer power and require cutthroat decision making.
While most people think of psychopaths as serial killers and rapists - because most serial killers ARE psychopaths - not all psychopaths are murderous.
In the workplace, psychopaths are characterised by their attempts to try to undermine and “mentally destroy” their co-workers to feed their need for a sense of power and domination over other human beings.
Top jobs for psychopaths:
1. CEO
2. Lawyer
3. Media (TV/radio)
4. Salesperson
5. Surgeon
6. Journalist
7. Police officer
8. Clergyperson
9. Chef
10. Civil servant"