Friday, July 12, 2013

IN the NEWS - Chinese Navy

What are the Chinese up to?

China missile fear: U.S. vulnerable to nuclear-tipped submarine-launched missiles,
Pentagon warns
"China maintains the fastest-growing fleet of ballistic and cruise missiles on the planet, and soon will deploy a nuclear-tipped, submarine-launched ballistic missile capable of hitting the United States from Chinese waters, according to a new Pentagon report.
Beijing’s new submarine-launched ballistic missile, the JL-2, will for the first time enable Chinese submarines to strike parts of the United States from China’s coastal waters, states the 2013 Ballistic and Cruise Missile Threat Assessment, produced by the Department of Defense's National Air and Space Intelligence Center.
“For too long the Obama administration has allowed our missile defense program to languish when
they should have been working to prepare for these imminent threats,” Rep. Michael R. Turner, Ohio Republican and a member of the House Committee on Armed Services, said.
The report also confirms the revelation, first reported by The Washington Times, that North Korea last year deployed a new, road-mobile intercontinental ballistic missile, or ICBM — the Hwasong-13. The authors of the report note that the missile has not been flight-tested, and say the number of its stages, its fuel and its range are unknown.
China also is rapidly expanding its conventional missile forces, especially those designed to “prevent adversary military forces’ access to regional conflicts” — like the so-called “carrier killer,” the Dong Feng 21-D, designed to keep U.S. naval forces at a distance." WashigtonPost

Chinese Navy to coast of Africa?

"The Chinese naval vessel the Harbin, a Type 052 heavy destroyer, arrived mid-June at the Republic of Seychelles with a special mission: Display friendliness and take part in the Seychelles National Day parade.
The parade ended up being dominated by a specially trained Chinese naval marching troupe that aimed to impress officials and residents of the tiny Indian Ocean island state.
It’s been widely believed that if China's navy sought to establish overseas stations, among the first likely places would be the Seychelles, a 115-island country strategically located 930 miles off the east coast of Africa." WashingtonPost

For nation shall rise against nation,
and kingdom against kingdom:
Mark 13:8