Monday, July 29, 2013

Creation Moment 7/30/2013 - Evolutions dirty little secrets

Professing themselves to be wise,
they became fools,
Romans 1:22
The basic concept that natural selection leads to evolution. In other words, that micro-evolution (better known today as genetic variation within a kind---how we get different shapes, sizes & colors, could lead over time) to macro-evolution, (like from a dinosaur to a chicken-which is the type what people think of when you speak of "evolution"). This view of Darwin has been all but rejected since the mid 20th century. So in other words, micro-evolution (genetic variation  within a kind does NOT lead to evolution as evolutionists taught for a century). So in other words, Darwin was WRONG...

Championed today by the likes of Richard Dawkins. Began around the mid 20th century with the rise of genetics. Once it was realized that Darwin was really wrong, to save face, evolutionists shifted to this idea....that tiny genetic changes over eons of time led to macro-evolution.

Punctuated Equilibrium:
Championed by the likes of the late Stephen Gould. It is the idea that there were bigger leaps in evolution. 'Why?', you ask. Because the fossil record does NOT support evolution. So at least Gould was being intellectually honest. The real reason why the Dawkins crowd (but not only reason) that they hate the Gould crowd in evolution-is that they expose the dirty little secret of evolution about the fossil record. If the Dawkins crowd are forced to concede about the fossil record-then why believe in evolution at all?

.................3 Strikes & your OUT....................