Saturday, July 20, 2013

Creation Moment 7/21/2013 - Science makes more sense to a Christian than to an atheist

"It’s obvious to me when I look around that the way the universe runs is rationally intelligible, consistent. For example, we have beautiful results like Noether’s theorem which explains how symmetries plus Lagrangian dynamics give rise to conserved quantities. And it turns out our universe has a surprising amount of symmetry, and does appear to run according to this rationally understable law. Almost 400 years ago, before much of the scientific revolution, Kepler, waxed lyrical that if we were serious in thinking God existed we would expect to find such laws. I agree. If God exists, we should expect that “science works”. That science works makes more sense as a Christian than an atheist." ThoughtfulFaith

Let them praise the name of the LORD:
for he commanded, and they were created.
Psalm 148:5