Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Creation Moment 7/18/2013 - "Transitional" Fleas?

"Transitional fleas:  “Fleas are a group of highly specialized blood-feeding ectoparasites whose early
evolutionary history is poorly known,” begins a paper in Current Biology by paleontologists from Russia, China and London.  They claim to have found Cretaceous fossils that “greatly improves our understanding of the morphological transition to the highly specialized body plan of extant fleas.”  The claim they are transitional relates primarily to gonad size, body size, and patterns of stiff body hairs.  Since they have all the flea parts, though, the fossils could represent greater diversity in the past: “The new fossils, in conjunction with previous discoveries, highlight a broad diversity of ectoparasitic insects in the mid-Mesozoic.”" CEH

Uhm...if they have ALL the flea parts--then they are NOT "TRANSITIONAL" but rather actual fleas.....
For by him were all things created,
that are in heaven,
and that are in earth,
visible and invisible,
Colossians 1:16