Thursday, July 18, 2013

Christmas Behind Bars FB Message

"Dear friends and sponsors, Blessings To each of you...
The truck is just about loaded leaving tomorrow for The diagnostic Center in Plainfield Indiana, That is where all Of the Bibles are passed out Every month, They have approximately 700 men who most of them are on their way to prison, The diagnostic center is a transitioning facility Where they are housed for 2 to 6 weeks, Awaiting their paperwork for their next destination, Which is either prison or freedom, So what a valuable time to give them a Bible, gift package and a homemade thinking of you card and certainly a word of encouragement... Sharing with them the path to true freedom for all people.
The trailer is loaded leaving early Monday for two prisons in Kentucky and possibly a regional detention center which houses men and women from three different counties in Kentucky... So please keep us in your prayers And certainly your financial sponsorship is always needed and appreciated as The Lord opens more doors in more places we certainly want to be in a position to answer those calls, We thank each one of you for making this program possible bringing hope to the hopeless,seemingly forgotten by society For most, But certainly none of them are forgotten by God!.!.!.
Sincerely your friends at Christmas behind bars...
PO Box 474,Bluffton ,IN.46714
Blessings to you until we meet again, Love and prayers,
Lemuel and Donna Vega,Staff..."

Naked, and ye clothed me:
I was sick, and ye visited me:
I was in prison, and ye came unto me.
Matthew 25:36