Wednesday, June 26, 2013

IN the NEWS - Critters Nestling

"Scientists have discovered a burrow in South Africa where two unlikely creatures shared a home before being entombed by a flash flood 250 million years ago.
The strange bedfellows were a beat-up young amphibian seeking shelter and a sleeping cynodont... The burrow was unearthed from what is today South Africa's Karoo Basin, which would have been part of the ancient supercontinent Gondwana at the start of the Triassic Period.
As for the amphibian, the scans revealed it was a juvenile with several broken ribs that showed signs of healing, suggesting it had survived for some time after receiving a crippling injury. This animal was mostly aquatic and had no burrowing abilities of its own. Researchers think that in its handicapped state, the amphibian gingerly crawled into the burrow seeking protection without disturbing the dormant Thrinaxodon inside.
The researchers eliminated the possibility that the animals were in a predator-prey tussle at the time of death since there were no tooth-marks on the bones. The scientists also don't think it's likely that these two species would have cohabitated under normal circumstances." YahooNews

1) Who says it was 250,000,000 years ago? Based on what? Assumption & speculation isn't SCIENCE.

2) Gondwana is really just the earth before the global flood & the great deep was opened, separating the continents.

3) And as for why those 2 critters nestled together in panic mode- In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.
Genesis 7:11