Friday, June 28, 2013

IN the NEWS - Carnal Mind of POLITICIANS

Obama Claims He Won’t Force Churches
To Conduct Gay Marriage,
Meanwhile The IRS
WILL Take Their Non-Profit Status
"President Obama hailed the recent rulings on gay marriage issued from the U.S. Supreme Court, but one thing he promised, is that he wouldn’t turn the rulings against churches and force them to officiate over gay marriages. We can believe him, too. After all, Obama has always told the strict truth about everything… uh, right?
But is Obama’s federal hands off claim true. Probably not.’s Ben Shapiro notes that the IRS could act to remove non-profit status for churches that refuse to hold gay marriages.
After all, if it is federal law that gays can’t be “discriminated” against in marriage ceremonies, then the IRS would almost have to take away the tax status from churches that refuse to officiate over gay marriages.
Shapiro says, The DOMA decision makes clear that marriage is a state-to-state issue, meaning that religious institutions that receive non-profit status on the federal level but do not perform or accept same-sex marriages in states where it is legal could have non-profit status revoked. Furthermore, should the IRS move to revoke federal non-profit status for churches, synagogues and mosques that do not perform same-sex marriage more generally, the Court could easily justify that decision on the basis of “eradicating discrimination” in religious education."

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7