Friday, June 28, 2013

IN the NEWS - Bert & Ernie: Indoctrination

"Even though Bert and Ernie officially aren't gay, next week's cover of The New Yorker features Sesame Street's not-gay gay cultural icons celebrating this week's Supreme Court rulings, which is sweet if you don't overthink it: America's most famous men in love finally have the official acceptance of America. Of course, Sesame Street and the company of founder Jim Henson has insisted many times that the orange and yellow pals are neither straight nor gay nor transgender or anything else: "They remain puppets, and do not have a sexual orientation," or so goes public television's party line. As in, Muppets can't have sex or aren't supposed to be overtly human, and despite the new legal recognition of it all, these two probably won't be having that big gay TV marriage everyone wants. But it's still very cute to see the icons cuddling in front of their television set.  
 But the artist insists that the message isn't specific so much as a symbol to help keep teaching children about gay rights. "This is great for our kids, a moment we can all celebrate."" AtlanticWire

Did you catch that last line by the artist of the pic? So they do use Bert & Ernie, and probably others kids shows, to INDOCTRINATE......

Because the carnal mind is enmity against God:
Romans 8:7