Thursday, June 6, 2013

Creation Moment 6/7/2013 - Natural Law & Creation Week

"Did nature behave in constant ways even during Creation Week? The fact that Creation Week was filled with miracles seems to suggest not at first glance. But do miracles have to be “changes in ‘natural law’”? If not, then perhaps nature’s behaviour was more constant than we might typically think.
‘Natural law’ may just provide the behavioural context for physical events, while the conditions remain completely open to divine manipulation.
But how do we know God can change the rules?
First, He set them in place at the beginning (Genesis 1:1).
Second, there appears to be two cases (with a third in the future) where God fundamentally ‘changed the rules’: the Fall (Romans 8:20–21), Jesus’ resurrection (Romans 6:9–10), and the consummation of history (1 Corinthians 15).
However, these are the most important events in the history of the universe, with ample reason for the changes. These events magnify the consistent faithfulness of God far more than maintaining nature’s constancy does." CMI

Who determined its dimensions and stretched out the surveying line?
Job 38:5 NLT