Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Creation Moment 6/5/2013 - Talking Plants?

"Plants don’t speak English, obviously.  Somehow, though, they communicate through channels
scientists are only beginning to understand.  No less than Science Magazine, the most respected journal in America, said this: “Shhh, the Plants are Talking.”  In the “Science Shot” article, reporter Andrew Porterfield described controlled experiments in Australia that showed chilis grow better when basil is nearby.  Somehow, the basil coaxes the chili plants through a hidden mechanism:
Because light, touch, and chemical “smell” were ruled out, the team proposes that the finding points to a new type of communication between plants, possibly involving nanoscale sound waves, traveling through the dirt to bring encouraging “words” to the growing seeds. Understanding this novel communication could help growers boost crop yields and increase global food supplies. How neighborly.
Live Science put it this way: “Even in the plant world, babies fail to thrive without a friendly community chattering nearby, according to a new study.”  We weren’t kidding about talking plants.  Reporter Becky Olson headlined her article, “Plants Talk: Seedlings Thrive with Encouraging ‘Words’.”" CEH
And the earth brought forth grass,
and herb yielding seed after his kind,
and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind:
and God saw that it was good.
Genesis 1:12