Saturday, June 1, 2013

Creation Moment 6/2/2013 - Multiverse

The Multiverse theory is the idea that after the co-called "Big-Bang", vast pockets formed based on inflation rates. These pockets or bubbles became isolated from each other thereby forming separate universes. Within each of these universes a whole separate set of physical laws arose and one was bound to arise eventually with the properties  required for life to "evolve". Therefore, based on the multiverse theory, there is no need for a "God".
The fallacy of this view are twofold: 1) There is NO evidence for this. NONE. It is mere speculation on the part of atheistic evolutionists. 2) This theory would also require MORE than just the right physical laws for life to exist. It would require spontaneous generation was possible & happened at least once in the past. In other words, that the living arose from the non-living at least one time. And that can't happen.
Professing themselves to be wise,
they became fools,
Romans 1:22