Thursday, May 23, 2013

Emotion Vs. the written Word

Avoid the "emotional" melodrama of the charismatic & evangelical
churches and instead focus on the tranquility of the Word of God.
The emotional outbursts are NO sign of the Holy Spirit
"There is danger of those in our ranks making a mistake in regard to receiving the Holy Ghost. Many suppose an emotion or a rapture of feeling to be an evidence of the presence of the Holy Spirit. There is danger that right sentiments will not be understood, and that Christ's words, "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you" (Matthew 28:20), will lose their significance. There is danger that original devisings and superstitious imaginings will take the place of the Scriptures. Tell our people: "Be not anxious to bring in something not revealed in the Word. Keep close to Christ." . . .
Selected Messages Vol.2, CH.1 E.G.W.