Saturday, May 4, 2013

Creation Moment 5/5/2013 - "Antique Shop" of Saturn?

"Meanwhile, other planetary scientists found a new story line to keep the Saturn system old. A JPL press release turned public attention to a homey analogy.
 “Saturn Is Like an Antiques Shop, Cassini Suggests; Moons and Rings Date Back to Solar System’s Birth.”
Perhaps so, if that birth were recent; but no, they mean billions of years. Apparently they don’t want to devalue their antiques.
Gianrico Filacchione from Italy did some divination with colors on the rings and moons and concluded that the Saturn system is old. One myth can lead to another. Since the little F-ring shepherd moon Prometheus has a similar color to the rings, Bonnie Buratti added to the story. “Scientists had been wondering whether ring particles could have stuck together to form moons — since the dominant theory was that the rings basically came from satellites being broken up,” she said, preparing the reader for a dramatic turnaround. “The coloring gives us some solid proof that it can work the other way around, too.” Solid proof has a nice-sounding ring of certainty to it. If it “can” work the other way around, why, then, it must have.
The press release conveniently left out any discussion of how long the Enceladus eruption affair has been going on. The handlers of these aberrant moons know their job: mitigate the bad news by controlling the focus of attention.
That’s how the scientific guild maintains its grab on public trust.
One cannot look at color and come up with an age. The article even said that the deposits from the geyser spray and dust from asteroids is only skin deep. Does that sound like it’s been going on for billions of years?
Let’s not talk about the age of these things; let’s talk about life! If there’s water going out of this moon, maybe it produced the “ingredients for life” or could “support life.”
Just state the party line boldly and repeatedly. That should be enough to keep the peasants from doubting the experts’ “understanding” of how things came to be. After all, they’re scientists – the knowers of the culture. It would be very upsetting for the knowers not to know." CEH

And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
Genesis 1:16