Friday, May 24, 2013

Creation Moment 5/25/2013 - NASA Boondoggle $$$

"NASA’s Astrobiology Institute is a worthless boondoggle that accomplishes nothing.  Where is their evidence?  They study planets, rocks, and possibly oceans, but there is still no evidence for life beyond Earth’s biosphere.  It’s an enterprise built entirely on faith in a Darwinian ideologyAstrobiology Magazine publishes almost nothing original.  Day after day they re-post press releases from other sources that say, “maybe this” and “maybe that.”  Did you see the government seal of approval on the webpage?

When “astrobiology” was born as a “new science” back around 1990 because of a rush to celebrate possible fossils in a Martian meteorite (since debunked), then-NASA-chief Dan Goldin convinced Congress to fund research into life on other worlds.   Since then, nothing has been accomplished to find life elsewhere, .... One of our readers should research how many millions of tax dollars the government has spent on this Darwinian fantasy trip." CEH
So where does this leave the philosophers,
the scholars, and the world's brilliant debaters?
God has made the wisdom of this world look foolish.
1 Corinthians 1:20 NLT