Saturday, May 11, 2013

1524 Astrological Nonsense

A popular woodcut of Stoeffler's
prediction based on Pisces for the 1524 deluge
During the Reformation, on 2/1/1524, the world was supposed to end according to German priest & astrologer Johannes Stoeffler. He made this prediction, not on the Bible, but rather because the 6 known planets at the time were supposed to be lined up in the constellation Pisces.
he end was to be by a flood claimed priest/astrologer Stoeffler. Many sold their waterfront property & the wealthy built large "arks". Most famous was the "ark" of Count Von Iggleheim. It was 3 stories high, built as a luxury ark & docked on the Rhine.
On the deluge day more than 20,000 Londoners fled for higher ground-but no rain came. But on the mainland in Europe, it did begin to rain. As people panicked they stormed the "ark" of Iggleheim and killed him in the process by stoning.
And what of Stoeffler? Besides being famous for making astronomical almanacs, he also made horoscopes for individuals. He died in 1531 of plague.

The question is-why were so-called "Christians" following a man dabbling in ASTROLOGY?
Therefore hearken not ye to your prophets, nor to your diviners,
nor to your dreamers, nor to your enchanters, nor to your sorcerers,
Jeremiah 27:9