Sunday, April 21, 2013

IN the NEWS - Pot Party in Rockies gone bad....

"Gunfire erupted at a Denver pot celebration Saturday, injuring two people and scattering a crowd of thousands who had gathered for the first 4/20 counterculture holiday since the state legalized marijuana.
Witnesses described a scene in which a jovial atmosphere quickly turned to one of panic at the downtown Civic Center Park just before 5 p.m. Several thought firecrackers were being set off, then a man fell bleeding, his dog also shot.
The annual pot celebration this year was expected to draw as many as 80,000 people after recent laws in Colorado and Washington made marijuana legal for recreational use.
Stephanie Riedel, who traveled to the pot celebration from Pittsburgh, said she was dancing with a hula hoop when she heard pops. A man ran past her, then she said the crowd started screaming and running away. She was about 20 feet from the shooting and heard four or five shots." AP

So apparently while some of you were in Church Sabbath, or studying the Word on His Holy Day, others of you out there were at a pot party high up (no pun intended) in the Rockies fleeing gunshots...strange way to spend the Sabbath....

So I say, let the Holy Spirit guide your lives.
Then you won't be doing what your sinful nature craves.
Galatians 5:16 NLT