Wednesday, April 24, 2013

IN the NEWS - Botswana / Mexico Drought 2013

"Botswana is expected to see the worst drought ever that the country has ever experienced in recent years and expectations are that President Ian Khama will soon declare the country drought-stricken, sources within the government ..." BotswanaSundayStandard

...and there shall be famines and plagues and panics and terror,
Luke 21:11 ABPE
"The sun-baked northern states of Mexico are suffering under the worst drought since the government began recording rainfall 70 years ago. Crops of corn, beans and oats are withering in the fields. About 1.7 million cattle have died of starvation and thirst.
Hardest hit are five states in Mexico's north, a region that is being parched by the same drought that has dried out the southwest United States. The government is trucking water to 1,500 villages scattered across the nation's northern expanse, and sending food to poor farmers who have lost all their crops." SanFranciscoChronicle
P.S.-We should be careful with "headline prophecy"....with all the droughts over the last decade it sort of fits in a small way....but by itself isn't some sort of fullfillment....