Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Entertainment & brain degeneration

"They have discovered that when the brain starts to get overloaded, it builds up a stubborn wall against sensational stimuli.
Modern humanity's exposure to an ever-increasing amount of dramatic, violent, and sensational

information, has forced the brain to resort to protecting itself.

The Committee of Rational Psychology (CRP) conducted a study that found that adults who were shown violent videos of people reacted sympathetically and disgustedly. Most of them refused to even watch it through to the end. But the same reaction was not found in the younger generation.
Youth watched emotionless, more interested in drama and excitment. These young people would switch the movie off because they were bored, not because they were disgusted.
The CRP discovered a type of generation gap between the groups, which they defined as the "old" and "new" brain. Whoever was born before 1949 still had the "old brain." Whoever was born between 1949 and 1969 had a modified version of the "old brain." Only those who were born after 1969 possessed the "new brain."
The "new brain" can, unlike the "old" one, react in a state of dissonance-readiness. Dissonance refers to a disturbance in a normally harmonious process. "The youth," says Henner Ertel, "have grown up with contradictions and can handle them." In the past, we would call this ability multiple-consciousness. Today it is considered normal.
All this information points to a society whose minds are becoming more and more resistant to the bizarre, violent, and sensational messages they are bombarded with every day.                  
Satan has not been asleep. He has, especially in this age of the information explosion and modern technology, made expert use of the devices available to him. If there is one thing that he desires more than anything else, it would be to degenerate people's consciousness to the point where they don't know the difference between right and wrong." AmazingDiscoveries
...know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
James 4:4