Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Creation Moment 4/10/2013 - Gould on Lyell

Lyell-a tool of the devil for doubt
"Lyell relied upon two bits of cunning to establish his uniformitarian views as the only true geology. First, he set up a straw man to demolish. …
In fact, the catastrophists were much more empirically minded than Lyell.
The geologic record does seem to require catastrophes: rocks are fractured and contorted; whole faunas are wiped out.
To circumvent this literal appearance, Lyell imposed his imagination upon the evidence.
The geologic record, he argued, is extremely imperfect and we must interpolate into it what we can reasonably infer but cannot see. The catastrophists were the hardnosed empiricists of their day, not the blinded theological apologists."
Stephen Jay, Professor of Paleontology and Geology at Harvard, in ‘Natural History’ Feb 1975 p.16

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent,
called the Devil, and Satan,
which deceiveth the whole world:
Revelation 12:9