Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Salvation: How?

The LORD hath made known his salvation:
Psalm 98:2

SANCTUARY: Plan of Redemption laid out for ALL to see

OUTER COURT: Altar of Sacrifice (Cross), Brazen Laver to wash (Baptism)
Justification (His Grace & robe of Righteousness to cover us)
But some stand in the outer court and cry Grace yet never move into the inner court. This would be what we call "cheap grace".

INNER COURT: Table of Bread (His Word), Candlestick (Witnessing), Altar of Incense (Prayer)
Sanctification (A changed heart & life by His Word & Holy Spirit)
But some keep His Law for the wrong reasons, such as being saved by the works alone. This is what we call "legalism".

MOST HOLY PLACE: Ark of the Covenant (Containing the LAW), Judgement Seat (Mercy Seat)
Glorification with God--if we pass our Judgement.

Justification (Grace/Robe of His Righteousness) is the same for all.
Sanctification (A changed life-keeping His Commandments for the right reason-willingly)

The LORD hath made known his salvation:
Psalm 98:2