Thursday, March 21, 2013

Lawrence the Deacon presenting the Chruch treasures

The young 33 year old Deacon Lawrence
preparing for execution by being placed on grid iron
and cooked from beneath---(according to some later
writers) but most likely he was simply beheaded with the
other deacons that day
Lawrence the deacon was placed over the treasures of the Church in Rome by its then Bishop Sixtus. During the persecution of the Christians by Emperor Valerian. He was martyred on 8/10/258 A.D.
When the Roman prefect ordered him to bring him the treasures of the Church, Lawrence gathered up and brought the sick, old, poor, orphans & widows to the emperor. He then said "These are the treasures of the Church."
There are many stories surrounding how he was executed-but the most realistic way is that he was simply beheaded that day with the other deacons.

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this,
To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction,
James 1:27