Friday, March 8, 2013

Job & the Judgment

The Book of Job is a microcosim of the Judgment scene of God. Remember that there are 3 judgments (Before, during & after the millenium) and it is God who is on trial.
So too in the Book of Job is God and His ways on trial. And there is an adversary, satan, who is the accuser.
And the 3 friends of Job sit around pontificating about God and why things happen. And even righteous Job doesn't fully understand why evil exists in the world.
Then God steps in to challenge the non-sense going on by demonstrating that they all know nearly nothing.
Then God restores Job to his rightful state of being.
Also, Job prays for his friends as Christ intercedes for us.
Bottom Line:
For the way of God is beyond motal man and his finite mind.
If I be wicked, woe unto me;
and if I be righteous, yet will I not lift up my head.
I am full of confusion;
Job 10:15
In other words, in the anguish of Job--WHY God, do bad things happen to the good?