Thursday, March 7, 2013

IN the NEWS - Hugo Chavez: Lesson from Last Moments of a dying Despot Dictator

There is no darkness, nor shadow of death,
where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.
Job 34:22
The willful ally of nuclear arming Iran, and the willful ally of Al-Queda, died in Venezuela where he used class warfare to divide his people with the false promise of Marxism. He promised the masses cheap oil and in return lined his own pockets to the tune of $2 Billion. Hhis goal was to eventually unite South America as one nation (under him of course) and a new form of Marxism called Bolivarianism.

"CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — President Hugo Chavez died of a massive heart attack after great suffering and inaudibly mouthed his desire to live, the head of Venezuela's presidential guard said late Wednesday.
"He couldn't speak but he said it with his lips ... 'I don't want to die. Please don't let me die,'"

LESSON: Don't waste your life by selfishly pursuing personal power over others by playing the demagogue on the stage of life then filling your own pockets with their loot.....we are all going to die (except those alive at the 2nd Advent), so don't waste your life with this worlds ways....