Tuesday, March 12, 2013

IN the NEWS - Biblical Speech a "hate crime" in Canada now

"Ottawa, Ontario – The Supreme Court of Canada has ruled that Biblical speech opposing homosexual behavior, including in written form, is essentially a hate crime.
On Wednesday, the court upheld the conviction of activist William Whatcott, who found himself in hot water after distributing flyers regarding the Bible’s prohibitions against homosexuality throughout the Saskatoon and Regina neighborhoods in 2001 and 2002.
“The Bible is clear that homosexuality is an abomination,” one flyer that was found to be in violation stated, citing 1 Corinthians 6:9. “Scripture records that Sodom and Gomorrah was given over completely to homosexual perversion and as a result destroyed by God’s wrath.”
Another flyer, entitled Keep Homosexuality Out of Saskatoon’s Public Schools, was written in response to the recommendation of the Saskatoon School Board that homosexuality be included in school curriculum.
Whatcott has now been ordered to pay $7,500 to two homosexuals who took offense at his flyers, as well as to pay the legal fees of the Human Rights Commission — which could cost him hundreds of thousands of dollars.
However, the Supreme Court of Canada declared Wednesday that oftentimes, it is impossible to say that one loves the sinner and hates the sin. It asserted that the hatred of the act was inseparable from hating the person or person group." ChristianNews

1) How can a church warn a world about SIN, and repenting, if a GOVERNMENT will NOT allow one to lablel sin, "Sin", within the context of the debate?
2) How can people protect their children in the school system from being indoctrinated if no one is allowed to criticize the indoctrinating doctrine?

1) So there is apparently no real freedom of speech north of the border in Canada...
2) Expressing a Biblical view is now a criminal act....Why are we letting this happen?
3) So brainwashing children in school with an agenda cannot be challenged by opponents of that agenda in Canada? So the government can do as it pleases-and teach as it pleases your children without a challenge to its indoctrination? Especially on morals?
4) So it is becoming like the days of Lot out there in the world....
5) And the supreme court in Canada gets to decide that God doesn't love the sinner because He doesn't like the sin?

If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman,
both of them have committed an abomination:
Leviticus 20:13

For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections:
for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
And likewise also the men,
leaving the natural use of the woman,
burned in their lust one toward another;
men with men working that which is unseemly,
and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
Romans 1:26,27

Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?
Do not be deceived.
Neither fornicators,
nor idolaters,
nor adulterers,
nor homosexuals,
nor sodomites,
1 Corinthians 6:9