Friday, March 1, 2013

Creation Moment 3/2/2013 - Creationism = Child Abuse?

"Lawrence Krauss, a Canadian-American theoretical physicist and cosmologist, recently stated his belief that teaching children creationism can be equated as a form of child abuse because it supposedly puts them at a disadvantage in the world. Intelligent Design as a theory of origins, he states, is simply false and it is unethical for society to permit parents or other religious teachers to present erroneous ideas to students, such as the supposed fallacious theory that God created the heavens and the earth.
Specifically, Krauss says:
“If you’re introducing it (creationism or Intelligent Design) as reality, if you’re telling your kids the world is 6,000 years old, and they shouldn’t believe scientists because there is no way humans are related to other animals, and don’t believe any of that stuff you learned in school, or take your kids of out of school because they are learning something, then it is like the Taliban at some level, which is an extreme form of child abuse”
His pitch is simple.
Many of the greatest scientists today and in history believed in a Divine Being, and they viewed science as studying the works of God. Their works certainly did not stifle the progress of science, but that is what Krauss would have you believe.
The world we live in is brimming with evidence for an Intelligent Designer. From the complexity of the eye to the stunning beauty of an orchid, educated men and women around the globe see a Creator revealed in everything from stellar galaxies to microscopic cells.
History reveals the efforts of dictators to control science and education within the narrow confines of their own theories; it’s always been disastrous. In fact, we could call it downright abusive."

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.
1 Corinthians 3:19