Friday, March 1, 2013

Brutal God?

For those "Christians" who go around speaking of the God of the Bible as "Brutal", (one recently at work did so repeatedly) let me point out 3 things.....

The earth also was corrupt before God,
and the earth was filled with violence.
Genesis 6:11

1) What about the brutality of man? What about the holocaust? Or Pol Pot & the Khemer Rouge slaughtering in the killing fields of Cambodia over 1,000,000 in order to set up a godless, atheistic state? Or Stalin slaughtering millions of peasant farmers in the Ukraine in the name of the atheistic, godless state? Or the millions slain in China by Mao to set up an atheistic, godless communist state? Or hoxha in Albania? Or the North Vietnamese marching down into South Vietnam to spread their atheistic, communism? Or how about the aborting of babies across our fruited plains and inner cities-- or in "enlightened" Europe euthanasia and the killing off of the sick & elderly? Or the violence & torture by drug cartels? And the list from the pages of history could go on for a long time longer........

2) If you really want to point your finger at God-You will have your chance after the 2nd resurrection-& He will point His back at YOU too.......

3) And do you really think you "Christians", that someone who harbors this kind of sentiment to God would really be part of the 1st resurrection? Seriously......What has happened to the state of Christiandom?
Painting of the Tuol Sleng prison
under the Khemer Rouge in Cambodia....
The BRUTALITY of Mankind.....

Mayan Sacrifice-the Inhumanity of BRUTAL Mankind
Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked;
Ezekiel 33:11