Wednesday, February 6, 2013

One Last Beam of Mercy

When one lies dying-& they ask if it is too late for them--point them to the cross---and ponder the thief on the cross.
He had been justified but had not time to come down and live a sanctified life to show he had changed his ways. For he would be dead that very day. But he was still saved. God reads the heart.
So with a deathbed conversion, is there a chance? Yes-look at the cross and you can see One Last Beam of Mercy. God will be the judge as to whether a deathbed conversion is true & whether it will be acceptable to Him. Point their minds eye toward the scene on the cross. Justification & Sanctification-but God will be the Judge of ones level of Sanctification.
And he said unto Jesus,
remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.
Luke 23:42
"The wealth of earth dwindles into insignificance when compared to the worth of a single soul for whom our Lord and Master died."
Testimonies for the Church vol.4, p.261 E.G.W.