Sunday, February 17, 2013

IN the NEWS - Mocking Christianity by hiding behind being PC

PC worldviews at the Universtiy of Missouri have gone overboard-on purpose. I think the real reason for doing what they are doing is to stick it to Christianity. The believe, as secular academics universally almost all believe, that Christianity is the last vestige of medieval superstition and they are going to demonstrate that by putting such things as pagan & wiccan religious holidays on par with Christmas & Easter. They are doing this on purpose.

"Students at University of Missouri .....The university’s latest “Guide to Religions: Major Holidays and Suggested Accommodations” — designed to help faculty know when and when not to schedule exams and other student activities — lists eight Wiccan and Pagan holidays and events right alongside more mainstream occasions. It's all part of the school's effort to include everyone's beliefs,.....For Samhain, listed as a Pagan and Wiccan celebration considered by some to be the Wiccan New Year, general practices include “paying respect to ancestors, family members, elders of the faith, friends, pets and other loved ones” who have died. The holiday coincides with Halloween."

But I guess Christ is used to being mocked by the gentiles....
And shall deliver him to the Gentiles to mock,
Matthew 20:19