Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Creation Moment 2/28/2013 - Mermaids & Evolution

Evolutionary Nonsense
SEE BELOW how one EVOLUTIONIST alludes to taking "mermaids" possible existence serious in the context of evolution...Unbelievable...And these people mock creationists?
"Men had always played about with the idea of a possible link between human and bestial life; and the very existence -- or, if you will, the very non-existence -- of the centaur or the mermaid proves it. All the mythologies had dreamed of a half-human monster. The only objection to the centaur and the mermaid was that they could not be found. In every other respect their merits were of the most solid sort. So it is with the Darwinian ideal of a link between man and the brutes..." GilbertKeithChesterton
I have seen the foolish taking root:
Job 5:3