Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Creation Moment 2/20/2013 - Dumber & Dumber?

This is what one would expect to see if we started in paradise then began a downward spiral once sin entered the picture. What they are seeing is the OPPOSITE of evolution.
"Would you be surprised to hear that the human race is slowly becoming dumber, and dumber? Despite our advancements over the last tens or even hundreds of years, some ‘experts’ believe that humans are losing cognitive capabilities and becoming more emotionally unstable. One Stanford University researcher and geneticist, Dr. Gerald Crabtree, believes that our intellectual decline as a race has much to do with adverse genetic mutations. But human intelligence is suffering for other reasons as well.
According to Crabtree, our cognitive and emotional capabilities are fueled and determined by the combined effort of thousands of genes. If a mutation occurred in any of of these genes, which is quite likely, then intelligence or emotional stability can be negatively impacted." NaturalSociety

For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
Romans 8:22