Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Creation Moment 2/13/2013 - The Archer Off by 68,000? or More?

For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.
1 Corinthians 3:19
"NASA launched the WMAP (Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe) spacecraft in 2001. Its purpose was to make precise measurements of subtle variations in the cosmic microwave background radiation (CMB). Some cosmologists interpret the CMB to be an "afterglow" of a time from about 375,000 years after the supposed Big Bang.
NASA reported that the WMAP measurements had "improved knowledge of these six numbers [that are important to Big Bang cosmology, such as the age of the universe, density of atoms, etc.] by a total factor of 68,000, [emphasis theirs] thereby converting cosmology from a field of wild speculation to a precision science."
Of course, this is a tacit admission that cosmology up until now has been wild speculation! Why, then, have Christians been browbeaten to accept these admittedly speculative origins stories?
Although such an increase in the precision of these numbers is technically impressive, the heart of the origins debate is in the assumptions used to interpret the data, not the precision of the measurements themselves. Even high school science students are taught that measurements can be precise without necessarily being accurate. A classic example is the archer whose arrows consistently cluster closely together, albeit four feet left of the target. The archer is precise but inaccurate.
The press release claimed that the WMAP measurements had confirmed specific predictions of the simplest version of "inflation," a hypothesized accelerated expansion of the universe that was invented in order to alleviate fatal problems in the original Big Bang model. The claim of support for inflation is based upon the fact that fluctuations in the CMB have properties predicted by the simplest model of inflation. At first glance, this might seem to be good news for the Big Bang model and inflation theory.
However, although the press release claims that the results "support" inflation, it does not state that inflation itself has been confirmed, and for good reason. Paul Steinhardt of Princeton University, as one of the world’s leading inflation theorists, has produced another version of the Big Bang model that makes similar (and in some cases, identical) predictions about fluctuations in the CMB, even though his model does not include inflation.
If two different Big Bang models (one with inflation and the other without) make similar predictions about fluctuations in the CMB, then the confirmation of such predictions cannot be used as an argument for inflation." ICR

-------The Archer here is probably off even more than 68,000--------